Hey. I'm JP.
I’m an avid science fiction writer, English professor, and retired Naval Aviator living in San Antonio, Texas.
My work has appeared in Reflex Fiction (defunct), Flashflood Magazine (as part of National Flash Fiction Day 2021), Versification Magazine, Fifty-Word Stories, Moondottir Magazine, Prospectus, and elsewhere.
I am a Faculty Instructor at Northwest Vista College here in San Antonio where I teach Composition and Integrated Reading & Writing (INRW). I’m a graduate of the Antioch University – Los Angeles MFA Program (Fiction), and the University of Texas (Austin) English program, where I focused on fiction and playwriting.
I’m currently hard at work on my first novel, and coffee is my favorite junk food. I consider myself an emerging writer and many of my stories fall squarely within the speculative fiction genre. I’m most interested in the way technology inflects social, political, and personal systems of belief, and I gravitate toward narratives that attempt to reframe accepted yet possibly flawed ways of viewing the world.
Feel free to have a look around. You can read some of my selected work here, or you can get in touch by clicking the button below.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a groovy day.
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